One of the biggest crises the medical industry is facing is a severe shortage of skilled nurses. For the past several decades, the United States has had a shortage of nurses. Many of the chronic conditions are coming, so that shortage of nurses will be felt harder in the future. The U.S. is home to 52 million people above 60.The advancement of medical technology allowing elderly patients to live longer than ever, causing strain in healthcare.PRB estimates that the baby boomers will cause a 75 percent increase in Americans age 65 and older who require nursing home care. The American Nurses Association expects more than 500,000 experienced nurses to retire by 2022 will have a great impact on the healthcare system. Nurses leaving the profession within the first 5 years of their career is a significant symptom of the larger challenges in nursing. With alarming rates of up to 33% of new nurses leaving the workforce within the first two years, The workload is one of the factors why nurses leave their job within 5 years. The shortage of nurses varies with the region’s potential. Some regions have a surplus of nurses and lower growth potential, while other areas struggle to fulfill the local population’s basic needs as a whole. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that 11 million additional nurses are needed to avoid a further shortage.