MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) – Nearly two dozen nursing homes have closed since 2020, according to LeadingAge Wisconsin. Experts say these closures are disproportionately impacting rural communities, and leaving a hole in the health care system.
Oakwood Village in Madison celebrated an open house on Wednesday at its new modern facility featuring 60 beds, 450-square-foot suites and a café.
“A very exciting day for Oakwood,” Keith VanLanduyt, the executive director of the Oakwood Foundation, said. “We’re hoping that this new building will attract come caregivers.”
During the height of the pandemic, caregiver burnout and shortages were rampant. Fast forward to 2023, there still aren’t enough workers. When VanLanduyt was asked why he thought there’s still such a deficit, he shook his head side to side.