Author Archive for: ydafive

More than half of US nursing homes are unprofitable

When the pandemic emergency declarations end on May 11, so too will covid-era government subsidies. And when that happens, perhaps no industry will be more affected than the nursing home industry. That’s why the American Health Care Association (AHCA) is sounding the alarm. The group, which which represents thousands of nursing homes, warned this week that more than half of all nursing

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What the nursing degree scheme means for staffing shortages

Staffing shortages are already top of mind for hospital and health system leaders. Now, a nursing degreeschemeadds a new layer to the issue, Dani Bowie, DNP, RN, who has expertise related to staffing models, toldBecker’s. Dr. Bowie, vice president of clinical strategy and transformation for San Francisco-based healthcare labor marketplace company Trusted Health, said situations like what has unfolded in

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Nova Scotia union slams lack of plan for ER nurse shortage

A union frustrated by what it calls lack of action on ER nursing shortages has sent an open letter to Nova Scotia government officials on behalf of Halifax Infirmary nurses. The Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union, which represents more than 3,200 nurses, sent the letter to Premier Tim Houston, Health Minister Michelle Thompson and Karen Oldfield, president and

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CNA encouraged by federal proposal for health-care investments, despite lack of HHR specifics

The federal government announced their proposal for investing in the health-care system, which includes increased funding for the Canada Health Transfer as well as the initiation of bilateral agreements with provinces and territories for further investments. Collaboration with provinces and territories will focus on four health priorities: expanding access to family health services, supporting health-care workers and reducing backlogs, improving

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Nurses say healthcare funds should address staffing shortages

HALIFAX- Groups representing nurses and doctors are welcoming the federal government’s health-care funding proposal but say some of the increase must be used to bolster staffing and improve primary care in a system where there is accountability in how the cash is spent. Linda Silas, president of the 200,000-member Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, said funding must be used to

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To End the Nurse Shortage

The US is in the thick of a nursing shortage. And yet, nursing schools are turning away more qualified applications than ever. The main bottleneck, schools say, is that there aren’t enough instructors or training sites to accommodate the vast number of interested students. Restoring the pandemic-depleted health-care workforce depends on fixing this mismatch. Covid-19 took a toll on nurses.

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Yakima area hospitals and nursing programs work together to address nursing shortage

For years, Yakima County hospitals have had a symbiotic relationship with the nursing programs at area colleges. Schools have supplied the hospitals with new nurses every year, and in return, hospitals have provided students with opportunities to get real-world nursing experience while still in school. A shortage of nurses, which was greatly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has contributed to

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Medicine Sans Frontiers: India is gearing up to grab a larger pie of $80-bn medical tourism market

Global tourism is taking flight again. With the pandemic waning, reports about airport chaos have surfaced in the US and Europe, confirming an abrupt rise in international air travel even as hard data on tourist arrivals are only trickling in. This extraordinary travel boom, propelled by over two years of Covid uncertainty, will likely last longer, according to experts and

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Nursing jobs in the United States

Presently, there are over 2.8 million nurses in the United States, making them the largest group of health care professionals in the nation. The top five states that have the current highest employment for nurses are: California (274,650), Texas (207,810)New York (180,730)Florida (174,710), Pennsylvania (139,480) California gives around $48.92 hourly mean wage and a $101,850 annual mean wage. New York

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Nursing jobs in the United Kingdom

NHS is the umbrella term for the publicly funded healthcare systems of the United Kingdom (UK). Nurses play one of the most crucial roles in the healthcare sector. Many nurses left their job during covid due to their health security reasons Which have increased the pressure on staff, leading to high levels of stress. The NHS needs to prepare to

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