global nursing career

Healthcare crisis: Nurses seek global opportunities to address rising international demand, reveals Indeed report

There has been a surge in Indian nursing talent seeking international roles, revealed a report by Indeed, a global hiring and matching platform. According to recent data, there has been a significant increase of 38 per cent in job searches for “nurse” jobs from India with an interest in global opportunities, spanning the last three years from October 2020 to

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Digital nursing: the global outlook and impact on nurses

The digital revolution is well underway in healthcare systems around the world, and active engagement with technology is going to be an increasingly essential aspect of nursing going forward, according to a new position statement from the International Council of Nurses (ICN). Nursing Times has spoken to one of its key authors.

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Study abroad gives UC Nursing students a global perspective

Though it’s more and more common for nurses to travel at some point in their careers, it’s still uncommon for nursing students to study abroad as they earn their degrees. The College of Nursing at the University of Cincinnati offers students travel opportunities both for an introductory perspective on global health systems and for immersive clinical experiences.

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Looking for a New Career: Ex-Nurses Talk About What They Did Next

Nursing isn’t for everyone. Some people just aren’t built to take care of other people when they’re at their worst. The long hours and added stress of the COVID-19 pandemic has also led to a global nursing exodus. Providers of all specialties are quitting in droves to pursue careers in other fields.

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Attracting adolescents to become doctors and nurses

Doctors and nurses play a fundamental role in maintaining global health systems and achieving universal health care coverage. However, significant shortages persist, and little is known about the popularity of these careers among young people in various economies or the relative impact of personal inputs and contextual factors.

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Why should nurses choose a career abroad?

For those who have a love or interest in helping others, becoming a nurse is a rewarding career. One of the benefits of working as a nurse overseas is the opportunity to gain fresh experiences and perhaps even explore unorthodox career options. Working abroad can be a motivating experience and perhaps help you develop new talents that will advance your

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Nursing and midwifery

WHO’s work relating to nursing and midwifery is currently directed by World Health Assembly resolution WHA74.15 (2021) which calls on WHO Member States and WHO to strengthen nursing and midwifery through the Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery (SDNM) 2021–2025. The SDNM is an interrelated set of policy priorities  that can help countries to ensure that midwives and nurses optimally contribute to

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Tips to Pursue a Successful Nursing Career

The nursing profession is considered to be the noblest of all. There has been observed a great acceleration in the number of students choosing this particular career. The career in nursing is utmostly refined and streams a broad plethora of opportunities all around the world. There is no such place regarding the healthcare sector where one cannot notice the role

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